News: Inafune launches additional Mighty No.9 crowd-funding campaign
Added: 07.07.2014 11:53 | 33 views | 0 comments
Hopes to raise money for bonus content, including full English voice acting.
Inafune's reasoning is that the new money will be used to create bonus content, such as a full English voice track if $100,000 is reached.
An FAQ published by developer Comcept cleared up that the development of the core game is secured through the money raised last year, and does in no way rely on new funding.
"The video game we proposed in the Kickstarter campaign last year is going to be completed with all of the funding we received from backers," reads the FAQ. "For this new funding campaign we are looking to add new content to the game that we did not or could not...
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Tags: Kickstarter, English
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