Outlast Review - Mouse n Joypad
Added: 26.06.2014 11:13 | 14 views | 0 comments
Johnny writes -"Few games over the years have made it into the list of what I would deem as a true survival horror, and fewer still have totally scared the crap out of me. Outlast is a game that now tops that list both on a scary level and on being a true survival horror. In fact, this game has probably scared me as much as any great horror movie I have ever watched. The developers of Outlast, Red Barrels, are made up of some very experienced people who have worked on titles such as Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed and Uncharted: Drakes Fortune before forming their own studio. This experience shows through in the games design and mechanics bringing us a winning formula that preys upon even the most primal of human emotions, like our fear, and survival instinct."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Creed, Review, Mouse, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, Splinter
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