Orcs Must Die! Unchained Preview | GameRevolution
Added: 30.06.2014 19:13 | 15 views | 0 comments
GR: After arriving in San Francisco to show off their new game, Orcs Must Die! Unchained, the development team from Robot Entertainment discovered that the computers that were supposed to be waiting for them had been accidentally replaced by a crate of generalissimo uniforms for Wargaming.net booth babes. Eventually, they were able to get their supplier on the horn and eight of the ten computers they needed arrived, so Robot Entertainment CEO Patrick Hudson made a call to a friend at Supergiant Games, who decided on-the-spot to loan them three of their development computerswith the source code for Transistor sitting on themto run the demo off of. This kind of trust and companionship amongst indie developers warms the cockles of my heart and loosens my wallet. It was also loosened by free-to-play Orcs Must Die! Unchained being a helluva lot of fun to play.
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Tags: After, Preview, Patrick, San Francisco, Francisco, Transistor, Orcs
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