Subtitles Are Just As Good As Dubs
Added: 02.08.2014 17:13 | 18 views | 0 comments
Armed Gamer: Recently Namco Bandai finally announced that Tales of Hearts R will finally be coming to America. Keep in mind this game was originally released as Tales of Hearts for the Nintendo DS in 2008 in Japan. It is now 2014, and Tales of Hearts R wont even be out until next year. Its taking a total of seven years for the game to come westward.
But then some more news broke about the game, and some Tales fans were none too happy. Namco Bandai announced that Tales of Hearts R would not be getting an English dub, and only include English subtitles to the original Japanese voice overs. Although I couldnt have cared less, many fans in forums began bitching excessively about how messed up it was. No Tales game in the states has ever come over without an English dub before, so I can understand why people were sort of upset. However, to say they wont buy the game was a little extreme in my opinion.More in »
Tags: Gods, Nintendo, Jump, Japanese, Keep, English, Hearts, Tales, Namco, Bandai
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