Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Mac Review | Chalgyr's Game Room
Added: 05.09.2014 20:12 | 7 views | 0 comments
Chalgyr's Game Room writes:
Up until the last few years the Mac was never really seen as a gaming machine, which is sad as they have always been so powerful and efficient. I remember how huge it was that Halo was originally going to come to Apple's line of computers (only to have Microsoft gloriously sweep in and transform the title into the beloved game we have now). Ten plus years later the Apple platform is finally starting to take off, likely due to the massive mainstream popularity that the hardware has seen over the last few years. It then took time for developers to start recognizing the Mac platform as a veritable gaming rig. Fortunately along came Feral Interactive who have ported a number of top notch games over to the Apple platform (they do Linux too!) for those of us out there that wish to do a bit of gaming but have stayed away from the Windows platform.More in »
Tags: Hack, Gain, Review, Windows, Linux, Microsoft, Roll, Interactive
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