Tuesday, 25 February 2025
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My PS4 Gave Me A Serious Scare

Added: 16.09.2014 17:12 | 8 views | 0 comments

EGMR writes: "I was one of those cretins who purchased a PS4 console at launch, just like I did the PS3 console because Im a Microsoft fanboy. Jokes aside Ive largely loved my time with the black box of doom, especially that remote play, and recently Ive been giving it a solid work out for the purpose of that Destiny review youve hopefully seen by now. If you havent, Ill allow you a moment to drink until it stops hurting. Im only teasing. Anyway, throughout the many, many hours I played Destiny there was a moment in which my PS4 decided to give me a massive technical scare, and truly woke me up to the fragility of happiness. That is, until I hopped online and found a fix. After all that rambling the purpose of this write-up is to inform you of the issue if youre unaware of it and also provide you with the necessary fixes, so that you can proceed to enjoy life again if youre an unfortunate victim."

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Tags: Gain, After, Destiny, Microsoft, Joker

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