Lords of the Fallen review | Gamereactor UK
Added: 28.10.2014 11:11 | 6 views | 0 comments
GR-UK writes: "I'll admit it here towards the end. This game resembles Dark Souls. There are some differences, but the similarities are definitely there. Lords of the Fallen is more arcade-focused, less gloomy and not quite as unforgiving, but this is still not a game you should pick up unless you are willing to embark on something really challenging. If you have the time and inclination to develop tactics against different enemies and virtually immortal bosses, and aren't afraid to die time and time again, Lords of the Fallen is not a bad investment. Just make sure to hide away all fragile objects around you before you are murdered for the nine hundred thousand times in a row..."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Daly, Jump, Lords, There
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