Lords of the Fallen Review (PopBucket)
Added: 03.11.2014 14:11 | 19 views | 0 comments
Lords of the Fallen feels like more than just a warm up act for BloodBorne and for me its got enough playability to stand on its own two feet, even if those feet are slightly overshadowed by more established franchises. It gives you a credible world to explore, tough enemies to smash in the face and an combat system which is accessible but challenging at the same time.
If youre a person who longed to get into Dark Souls but didnt have the patience or time to make it work for you, youll get on really well with Lords of the Fallen. If youre a Dark Souls fanboy, its probable that youll have some gripes, but youll find enough on offer here to keep you playing through the Winter and until the next batch of DLC arrives.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Daly, Lords, Review, Souls, Winter, Dark Souls
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