Lords of the Fallen Xbox One Review (Console Monster)
Added: 07.11.2014 15:11 | 12 views | 0 comments
Console Monster writes: "Action-RPG, Lords of the Fallen doesnt echo Dark Souls quite so much as impersonate it. The inspiration is clear and the similarities rife, and strangely the similarity make the differences between the two games all the more evident. Where Souls understood and revelled in its own Sadism, strapping the player to a rack and slowly stripping away their dignity, one misstep over a cliff at a time, Lords of the Fallen feels as though it enjoys the whips and chains at weekends, but also likes to settle down sipping a warm cup of Ovaltine, watching Friends reruns. Where Dark Souls was the real McCoy, and gained critical acclaim for its authentic-feeling, uncompromising nature, Lords of the Fallen feels as though its playing dress up."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Daly, Xbox, Lords, Review, Monster, Console, Souls, Dark Souls, Xbox One
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