Xenonauts (SteamFirst Review) -Retcom
Added: 23.11.2014 20:11 | 30 views | 0 comments
SteamFirst: A few years ago, Firaxis gave us a treat: a true, full-fledged X-Com. It was a true breath of fresh air. Well, that is if you consider inhaling the vaporized remnants of your fallen soldiers fresh. Nonetheless, X-Com:Enemy Unknown was a remarkable installment that reinvigorated the turn based strategy genre for more than the niche market it typically serves. (Not counting the Civilization series, which is an a beast of its own.) For all the fancy bells and whistles, some of us found the overworld game lacking. The turn by turn tactical decisions that the player can make were brilliant. Unfortunately, it was not a true X-Com when one factors in the overworld gameplay. Goldhawk Interactives Xenonauts fills that void.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Civilization, First, Firaxis, Enemy, Enemy Unknown, Unknown
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