Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! Review - Gamecritics
Added: 30.11.2014 23:11 | 39 views | 0 comments
"I'm only a casual player of fighting gamesStreet Fighter and Darkstalkers are the series I'm most familiar with, and it took me years to do a Hadoken properly. Nevertheless, Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!!'s Capcom-esque 2D art style and its entire roster of female fighters piqued my interest, and I felt like I was probably reviewing it against my better judgement.
Aside from one really dodgy game design choice... I liked it a lot.
An updated re-release of 2009's Arcana Heart 3, this game with a cast full of angels (like, actual celestial beings...I think) offers a plethora of options for players of all skill levels. Not only are there nine levels of difficulty, but players can choose a "simple" control scheme that lets one pull off special moves without all the complicated button finagling."More in »
Tags: Arcade, Street, Darkstalkers, Heart, Review, Fighter, Street Fighter
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