'The Crew': 15 Hours On The Open Road
Added: 04.12.2014 8:11 | 20 views | 0 comments
Analog Addiction writes, "The term MMO (an abbreviation for Massive Multiplayer Online) is changing. Before 2014, an MMO was bar a few exceptions a PC only title often involving RPG elements and cooldown based combat in a gigantic fantasy open world. However, with the launch of a new console generation, and more console gamers connected to the Internet than ever before, this once PC oriented genre has found its way from its traditional roots, and onto home consoles. The Crew is one such trend bucker. It is an MMO, but there is no fantasy world and no combat. What replaces those is the United States of America in all of its entirety to explore, and a racing game. What remains from the MMO genre is random encounters with other players as you explore the U.S., and RPG elements."More in n4g.com »
Tags: States, United, United States, When, America, House, Multiplayer, Internet
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