The Most Wonderfully Weird Moments in Nintendo Direct History
Added: 16.01.2015 4:10 | 10 views | 0 comments
GamesRadar - While its possible hardcore film and TV fans know the names of the executives behind billion dollar blockbusters, I doubt they have the same familiarity gaming fans have with publishers. In the never-ending console battles, gamers get know the executives at companies like Sony and Microsoft over countless trade shows and conventions. And thanks to Nintendo Directs, bosses like Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime are nearly as internet famous as Mario and Luigi.
Technically, Nintendo Directs are a means for the publisher to showcase upcoming 3DS and Wii U titles, but the streaming videos have grown far beyond that. Directs are playgrounds for company executives to share clever jokes and knowing winks with Nintendos biggest fans. Its an approach that makes every new video a must watch for the meme-worthy moments alone.More in »
Tags: Nintendo, Mario, While, Microsoft, Most, Direct, Nintendo Direct, Soul
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