Hearthstone's Designer on Nerfs, Gnomes, and What's Next
Added: 18.01.2015 1:10 | 14 views | 0 comments
"Blizzard may have a notorious propensity for project delays, but with Hearthstone its timing has been impeccable. Just as the curse of homogeneity crept into the game (with a chunk of combatants settling on standardised decks), Blizzard pounced on the meta like it was a newly laid Knife Juggler and tossed in more than 140 new minions and spells.
These new cards, packaged within the Goblins vs Gnomes update, have created a strange sensation among hardcore players; a curious alchemy of perpetual puzzlement and unrelenting hedonism. It's been a glorious, painful, electrifying few weeks, with an almost overbearing rush of new minions to dislike, compounded by another infinity of strategies to imagine and ponder."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Jump, There, Blizzard, Knife
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