Replay Shadow Of The Colossus
Added: 01.02.2015 6:10 | 2 views | 0 comments
When we first launched Replay over five years ago, we immediately started discussing ways to make it better. Ideas like "Wouldn't it be cool if we had cameras in the studio?" and "We should create a competitive league that culminates in a tournament," were tossed around, but were never acted on, because truthfully, we didn't have the means to pull them off the way we wanted to. That changes today. Welcome to Replay: Season 3!
The heart and soul of Replay are not changing, and never will, but we felt it was time to shake up the show and give it a slightly different identity starting with cameras in the studio. Although the cameras are rolling for the recording of an entire episode, you won't see us on-screen at all times. We are using them sparingly, and mostly to show off peripherals we are using, and to capture the emotional outbursts of our crew.More in »
Tags: When, Shadow, Welcome
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