3 games that might disappoint us in 2015
Added: 04.02.2015 1:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
ND writes:
One of the worst feelings a gamer can experience is being disappointed by a video games he or she was extremely excited about before its launch. And, unfortunately, 2014 offered us a lot of these moments. First there was The Elder Scrolls Online, who was un unworthy successor to Skyrim. Then there was Watch Dogs, with its famous graphics issue. Then Destiny, which was nothing of what we expected.And not to mention Assassins Creed Unity, one of the biggest disappointments of the year. But I guess thats what always happens when expectations for something are huge. For example take a look at Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. It was one of the most pleasant surprises of 2014, but one cant help wonder what wouldve happened if the level of anticipation was as high as with the other titles.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Creed, Watch, First, Shadow, Scrolls, Elder, Elder Scrolls, The Elder, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed
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