Saturday, 01 March 2025
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Why are Multiplayer-only Games Such a Hard Sell? Just Ask Titanfall

Added: 12.03.2015 5:18 | 2 views | 0 comments

GamesRadar - Don't look at the first few months of a new year as a gaming dead zone; they're more of an opportunity. It's a good time to decompress from the deluge of the previous holiday's onslaught, and reflect on the games you played over the past 12 months; maybe give some of those you neglected a second chance. So this year, since most of January's releases were already games I'd played before, I decided to hop back into Titanfall. My crew of friends and I played it for about a week when it came out last March, stomping around and dropping hulking mechs out of the sky, before we moved on to the next, big thing (or just went back to playing Dota 2). So I hopped in for a few rounds, to kill some time and see if the game was still as fun as I'd remembered.

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