GamesAsylum - Zombie Army Trilogy - Review
Added: 19.03.2015 8:18 | 30 views | 0 comments
GamesAsylum: "As Rebellions own Sniper Elite series proved, its entirely possible to centre a whole game on one faultlessly executed idea. That idea was, of course, the gratuitous slow-mo sniper shots. This current-gen only series spin-off retains the grizzly sniper kills but the focus now lies on co-operatively mowing down zombie hordes. Every kill is as satisfying as the last, something Rebellion has clearly spent a long time refining to perfection. Craniums explode, limbs sever and despite hitting the dirt after just one or two shots, every member of Hitlers undead army still poses a sizeable threat"More in »
Tags: Arts, Sniper, Every, Trilogy, Elite, Sniper Elite, Zombie
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