Review: Sid Meier's Starships (Apple iPad) | Digitally Downloaded
Added: 23.03.2015 0:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
Sid Meier's Starships is so poor it actually physically hurts me. That a man that has been so foundational to the strategy genre would lend his name to nonsense like this is nothing short of depressing.
I am of course talking about Sid Meier, who was responsible for the Civilization franchise. Back before Europa Universalis was a thing, the Civilization series was the kind of game that armchair generals with dreams of world domination would glue themselves to for weeks at a time. But then Europa Universalis happened and Civilization's direction started to veer towards something with a more universal appeal. Throw in Total War's development as a RTS with grand strategy ambitions of its own, and Meier is no longer sitting on a pedestal by himself. If he keeps producing games like Starships he'll find himself quickly forgotten.More in »
Tags: Civilization, Europe, Ball
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