David. (2014) Review | FilmGamesEtc
Added: 04.04.2015 6:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
FilmGamesEtc - "Let me get the essence of this review out of the way: Playing David. is like being flashbanged. Im going to explain what a flash bang is to the two of you whove never played any of the modern shooters out there because Id rather talk about flash bangs than the mess that is David (with a period). A flash bang is a grenade that, instead of spraying shrapnel, releases a deafening sound and a flash that is seven times brighter than the sun. Modern shooters replicate this by having your screen go white and cutting the audio out into a high pitched whine. This moment evidently served as a great inspirational moment to David.s one and only creator."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Review, Playing, David
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