Adorable, Chaotic, and Deadly, It's Bowbarian - Cliqist
Added: 09.04.2015 18:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
Marcus Estrada writes: "A Kickstarter campaign by the name of Bowbarian just launched and, if you're anything like me, you probably had the thought "what the heck is a bowbarian?" Well, after investigating the campaign I'm here to inform you! In the action game Bowbarian you play as a hulking man with loincloth named Bowbarian. Instead of fighting with more typical barbarian fare, this fellow lives up to his namesake with a bow and arrow. Well, sometimes the "arrows" might actually be swords, but that's beside the point. This is a fast-paced arcade action game in the vein of Robotron 2084 but with a cartoony coat of paint."More in »
Tags: Kickstarter
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