Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Review | GameCloud Australia
Added: 20.04.2015 19:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
Patrick Waring at GameCloud Australia writes:
"I love Borderlands as a series, so if this collection had also included the first game, with all of its DLC, then maybe it would be worth it. All of the games in a single, easy to access collection would be pretty great, and if theyd released some additional content to go along with it, then it would have been amazing. As it stands, this is good value for money if you dont own either game, and thats about it. You cant easily switch between the games, there are still bugs present, one of the games is missing, and the extra content in the form of Claptastic Voyage wouldve been coming out regardless. But hey, apparently its already gone Gold status anyway, so maybe Gearbox will let us have the first game after all."More in »
Tags: Gods, Review, Borderlands, Patrick, Gearbox, Australia, Collection, Clone
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