Dark Souls 2 Is Still A Deeply Flawed Masterpiece
Added: 05.05.2015 3:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
Ruben Circelli: "I love Dark Souls. Praise the sun. I love FromSoftware, really I do. Dont let the title mislead you. Let me establish myself for a moment the Souls community is a very particular one. I have over 300 hundred hours logged in the original Dark Souls, over 140 hours in the sequel and over 70 hours in Bloodborne. Ive done SL1 runs and challenge runs; I have platinums in Dark Souls and Bloodborne (Dark Souls 2: 82%). Im not new to the series. Im as masochistic as every other fan out there. I shrieked like a little girl unwrapping presents at Christmas (a pony??) when Dark Souls 2 was announced a few years back at the VGAs. I stayed up until 4AM twice to play the beta even after technical difficulties caused a delay. I took off release day to sink my teeth into the next glorious game FromSoftware had seen fit to bestow upon the world."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Daly, Down, Software, Souls, Still, Dark Souls
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