'Assassin's Creed' Isn't, And Can Never Be 'Call of Duty'
Added: 10.05.2015 23:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Paul Tassi from Forbes writes: "Ubisoft has scheduled a grand reveal event for this Tuesday, which promises to unveil this falls Assassins Creed: Victory, which very well may be called Assassins Creed: Syndicate now, because maybe Victory implies some sort of hard ending. Which we know isnt happening.
Rather, Assassins Creed will continue on until we beg it to stop, and the Call of Duty-esque annualization of the series is something that few can get behind, as Erik Kain wrote yesterday. But I wanted to explore a little bit about why CODs yearly formula is so hard to repeat, and why Assassins Creed struggles with generating excitement for annual releases so consistently."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Paul, Ubisoft, Cave, Creed, While, Victory, Karl, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed
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