Consoles Aren't Going Anywhere But Big Budget Games Are Dying
Added: 18.05.2015 9:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
With hundreds of millions of console gamers across the globe, the console approach still has a valid market. Yet with news that Alien: Isolations 2.11 million sales were deemed weak by their publisher, its clear that the era of big budget games has had its day.
Alien: Isolation (shown above) is by no means the first of the big budget casualties either, as games like BioShock Infinite, the Tomb Raider reboot and a slew of others have all had budgets that far exceeded the capacity of their final sales.
Even with multi-million unit sales, very few of these big budget games have managed to break-even in recent years.More in »
Tags: Torn, Evil, Games, With, BioShock, Shoot, Raider, Tomb Raider
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