Splatoon selling through over 90% of its initial shipment in Japan
Added: 01.06.2015 14:16 | 8 views | 0 comments
Splatoon is doing very, very well in Japan. Because of the games strong sales, the game has been tough to find on store shelves. Nintendo even issued an apology on its Twitter account last week, and vowed to ship more copies in the coming days.
Were now hearing that Splatoon managed to sell through over 90 percent of its initial shipment in Japan. That isnt confirmed just yet, but it wouldnt be terribly shocking based on reports of how its selling out at various stores. This would also likely mean that Splatoon sold somewhere in the range of 150,000 copies in Japan. We should be receiving official data on Wednesday!More in n4g.com »
Tags: Nintendo, Because, Twitter
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