Reikon Dungeon, A Beautifully Blocky Dungeon Crawling Roguelike
Added: 05.06.2015 4:16 | 8 views | 0 comments
Marcus Estrada writes: "Roguelikes have definitely become a bit of a saturated genre, but for fans such as myself it's hard to really mind the absolutely wealth of potential games to play. Another one was just added into the mix and it's called Reikon Dungeon by Alcapa Games. It's a 3D real-time dungeon crawler with procedurally generated levels as well as loot. Of course, it's also meant to be quite a challenge to play through. As far as the visuals are concerned, they've got a real voxel flair, although some folks may not like that as much as pure pixel art or otherwise."More in »
Tags: Another, Dungeon
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