Tales From The Borderlands Episode 1 (2014) Review | FilmGamesEtc
Added: 10.06.2015 19:16 | 6 views | 0 comments
FGE - Tales From The Borderlands is an episodic series that follows the events after Borderlands 2. This series follows a Hyperion character called Rhys that is trying to become the next Handsome Jack, it also follows Fiona, a Pandoran con artist that is trying to pull off the biggest scandal thats supposed to score her big numbers. Brought together by the same reasons, Rhys and Fiona stories are told through their own perspectives while being tied up. As you switch between two characters you learn more of the story and what really actually happened. Ryhs and Fiona both claim that they are telling the truth, but they dont get along at all so this plays a huge factor in the credibility of the story told from two different perspectives.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Review, Borderlands, Episode, Tales, Ryus
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