The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review | GameCloud Australia
Added: 14.06.2015 11:16 | 11 views | 0 comments
William Kirk at GameCloud Australia writes:
"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is arguably the best open-world, story-driven experience ever to be created. This is not just because it has one of the most convincing ecosystems of any game to date, but because of how deeply the narrative is interwoven with its components. Open-world RPGs have a history of pacing issues when it comes to delivering strong primary questline, but in the Witcher, you genuinely feel as if youre living the life of a Monster Hunter. No matter what you choose to do, its always as if youre exactly where youre meant to be. For me, that meant countless hours of Gwent, hunting legendary beasts and getting caught up in political subterfuge as I attempted to track down Ciri and thwart The Wild Hunt. Along the way, I met countless compelling characters, faced the consequences of many difficult decisions, and walked away feeling as if I had left a unique mark on the world. There are a few mild annoyances to contend with...More in »
Tags: City, With, There, Review, Kids, Monster, Australia, Huge, Clone, Along, Witcher
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