Keiji Inafune Wants To Restore Japanese Game's Glory
Added: 27.06.2015 12:15 | 13 views | 0 comments
With the Japanese gaming industry and it's gamers not showing much interest in big title games anymore, it's a sad state in comparison to what it was in it's glory days especially in the action-adventure genres. From surprising master pieces like Okami, Shadow of The Collosus and Zelda series they're are now far and very few between.
Now Inafune want's to invigorate the Japanese development community again to bring back those glory days of surprising and innovative games by creating Recore into another potential Japanese master piece.
With Hidekya Kajima creating Scalebound and now Inafune himself creating Recore it seems Microsoft wants to bring that missed out potential to the US market where big title games are more popular than ever before especially in contention to some corporate media who tried to claim console and big games in the US is dying. As a result may influence the Japanese gaming industry once again. More in »
Tags: With, Japanese, Shadow, Microsoft, Zelda
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