Why Gears of War 4s E3 Reveal Left me Unconvinced
Added: 29.06.2015 11:15 | 9 views | 0 comments
Nick Gillham: "It came as no surprise that Microsoft showed Gears 4 to the world at E3, and to be honest I found myself underwhelmed. The pace was plodding, and a grand total of three enemies were seen during the demo playthrough. Where was the bombast? Where was the pulse-pumping action? Where was the Hoo-rah!? Everything the Gears series is known for was absent during the demo. We saw only one enemy killed, an electrical storm that didnt really do much apart from look pretty and some tropey stuff that was used to create a sense of elevated tension."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Reveal, Gears, Microsoft, Leaf
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