ZTGD | God of War III Remastered Review
Added: 14.07.2015 19:15 | 7 views | 0 comments
Ken McKown writes: Remastering games is nothing new for this console generation. We have seen almost every relevant franchise return in some form or fashion. With a lack of backwards compatibility on PS4 (and Xbox One for the most part, though they did just introduce it) companies can make a quick buck on sprucing up last generations titles and tossing in all the DLC that came along with them. God of War III sits in a weird section of this phenomenon. The game is still one of the best action games of last gen, and its visuals are some of the best the PS3 produced. It had no DLC, and a rather brief campaign. So why bring it into the PS4 generation? Why not a collection at least including Ascension?More in n4g.com »
Tags: Kong, With, Xbox, Remastered, Xbox One
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