Legends of Eisenwald Review | NextPowerUp
Added: 17.07.2015 3:15 | 5 views | 0 comments
Legends of Eisenwald is Aterdux Entertainment's rather original take on the hybrid-TBS genre. The scene is currently dominated by games like Civ, Endless Legend and Heroes of Might Magic, all of which take on a high (sometimes Sci-Fi) fantasy backbone to give games a bit more pezaz. LoE takes a different approach, being set in Medieval Germany with largely realistic medieval characters, and only a sprinkling of superstition and mythology. Instead of dragons and wizards, you have your more basic but very much interesting medieval archetypes, like crossbowmen, monks, shield bearers and noblemen. There are a couple of support spell-caster types, but these largely come in the shape of healing priestesses and monks offering their divine blessing. It's a very rustic game, both in development and environment, focusing on the income of castles and some really extreme focus on individual character development. The questions LoE brings to the table are whether its originality can still prov...More in n4g.com »
Tags: Heroes, There, Review, Legend, Legends
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