Love at first sight: Unravel and Yoshis Woolly World
Added: 23.07.2015 15:18 | 58 views | 0 comments
SoS writes: Hype is nothing new to the game industry, especially when its centered around something so noticeable as art style. But for every Donkey Kong Country there is a Clay Fighter. Every Viewtiful Joe has its Killer 7. Remember when people were talking about Ryse: Son of Rome? Seems so long ago, but it did happen. Yeah, occasionally we get the dud, but it doesnt seem to really matter. Like birds and shiny objects, we cant resist the sparkle. After all, its hard to see past the glitz when all you get is a highlight reel. Keeping that in mind, both Unravel and Yoshis Woolly World would seem to have a bit more to prove.More in »
Tags: World, Kong, Donkey Kong, Donkey, Country, Kong Country, Live, Every, After, Lots, Killed, Remember, Club
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