Contradiction - A Modern, Compelling FMV Murder Mystery Experience - Cliqist
Added: 24.07.2015 18:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
Marcus Estrada writes: "Full Motion Video (FMV) games are one of my favorite things on this planet. Yes, almost all of them originally produced for PCs and Sega CDs were outrageously goofy, but that was part of their overwhelming charm. When FMV basically died out I definitely felt their loss -- but a few titles have been arriving recently to reinvigorate the genre. Contradiction was funded at the start of 2014 for just around $6,200. Despite this rather small sum of money when you consider the cost of shooting high quality video and potentially paying actors, developer Baggy Cat was able to produce a fantastically engaging 5+ hour FMV murder mystery adventure game."More in »
Tags: Sees, When, Video, Fuse, Mystery, Despite
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