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Street Fighter V Beta Impressions First Round Loss | The Koalition

Added: 28.07.2015 22:18 | 27 views | 0 comments

Tony Polanco from The Koalition writes: "Im just going to come out and say it: the Street Fighter V beta was an unmitigated failure, so much so that Capcom has postponed it prematurely. Many (myself included) looked forward to it since it was announced and some even went as far as buying a PlayStation 4 in order to play it. However, for whatever reason, Capcom was unable to ensure that those who wanted to play the beta could; with most people completely not even even being to participate at all. I was one of the few who was actually able to play, even though my total play time was less than an hour across two game sessions. That isnt nearly as much time as I had wanted to play, especially for the purposes of this write-up, but it was enough for me to give you guys at least a basic understanding of what the game is trying to achieve."

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Tags: Torn, Capcom, PlayStation, Mask, Street, First, Been, Lots, Fighter, Street Fighter, Route, Impressions

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