God of War III Remastered Review: Vengeance at 60FPS | The Koalition
Added: 29.07.2015 14:18 | 44 views | 0 comments
Gary Swaby at The Koalition writes: God of War III was a big hit back in 2010, and it did a lot to boost the PlayStations reputation. For its time it was a technical feat, achieving things we hadnt seen before at that point.
While the story is the weakest of the original trilogy, and the ending met with mixed reactions, the gameplay in God of War III is the main draw. Now, confusingly for some, God of War III has been remastered for the PlayStation 4. This presents a lot of opportunities to make what was already considered a masterpiece even better.More in n4g.com »
Tags: PlayStation, Gain, Swarm, While, Remastered
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