Q.U.B.E Director's Cut Review | 4 Guys with Quarters
Added: 13.08.2015 21:18 | 2 views | 0 comments
Typically game developers start with a storyline idea and create the player-game interaction based on the developers vision of how to progress through it. However, Toxic Games received feedback clamoring for the addition of some sort of story after their successful first release. In order to complete this unusual task, they hired industry veteran Rob Yescombe, an award-winning writer who worked on franchises such as Crysis, Alien: Isolation, Star Wars, and the upcoming PS4-exclusive Rime. He describes the new-and-improved Q.U.B.E as a single-location thriller through which you figure out exactly what the Qube is while receiving context clues from a Cortana-like female guide on your radio intercom.More in n4g.com »
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