Onechanbara Z2: Chaos Review [Capsule Computers]
Added: 16.08.2015 10:18 | 36 views | 0 comments
Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:
"Tamsoft and D3 Publisher have been producing a number of Onechanbara titles in Japan for over ten years but for almost everyone in the West, the first time we learned of the series, was when Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad was released back in 2009. The title may have had plenty of faults at the time but gave players a title that embraced hyper-sexualized characters with plenty of violence and gore.
Although a couple titles have been skipped since then, Onechanbara Z2: Chaos has now been released in North America by XSEED but the question is, has this series managed to evolve well enough over the years while still sticking true to the heavy fan-service that many remember the original game for?"More in »
Tags: North, America, North America, Japan, Review, Publisher, Travis, Chart
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