Will PlayStations Bare Autumn Help Xbox Close The Gap?
Added: 16.08.2015 22:18 | 20 views | 0 comments
PlayStation is winning. There is no doubt about it. In all likelihood the Sony console is 10 million units ahead of Microsofts Xbox One. Now, Xbox isnt doing badly, not by any stretch of the imagination, but PlayStation 4 for whatever reason is just doing crazy numbers. It has already out sold both the original Xbox and Nintendos GameCube. But will any of this change come autumn? Will any of this change when Xbox unleash their hefty line up of exclusives while PlayStation unleash well, nothing really. Autumn is looking pretty bare for Sony, while Microsoft has Rise of the Tomb Raider (timed exclusive), Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Forza and Halo 5. PlayStation has maybe, possibly, No Mans Sky but really even that probably wont come out this year. The real question is will any of this have an effect? Or at least one that is substantial?More in n4g.com »
Tags: Torn, Hack, PlayStation, Mask, Force, With, Xbox, Raider, Tomb Raider, There, Help, Ultimate, Ball, Rick, Gears, Microsoft, Clone, Soul
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