Just Cause 3s Challenge Mode Looks Boringly Fun
Added: 20.08.2015 16:18 | 34 views | 0 comments
"A lot of open world games are fun because of the things that are in that world: particular towns, or particular quests and dungeons. Often these are things that momentarily shrink the world down to a more constrained area or path. Just Cause is one of the few series though where the fun is more closely linked to its openness. Its a game not about missions, though those are there, but about the silly chaining together of action setpieces, from surfing atop a moving car, to tethering that car to a lamppost and swinging it off a cliff, to leaping from that falling car and wingsuiting down a mountain, to grappling yourself to the roof of another car, and so on."
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Tags: Jump, Most, Challenge
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