Tales from the Borderlands Episode Four Review | GamesRadar
Added: 21.08.2015 10:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Apparently, starting off with a bang isn't good enough for Tales from the Borderlands. There are in fact several bangs, and rockets exploding, and people being cut in half or blown up or run over by a death derby monster truck. In the midst of all that action, you jump back and forth between controlling Hyperion businessman Rhys and Pandoran conwoman Fiona, reluctant partners captured in the game's opening minutes and forced to recount their journey by a gun-toting kidnapper. That's just as dazzling and confusing as it sounds, because Telltale's take on the Borderlands universe is gory, crazy, and sometimes so nuts that it's hard to keep track of. Still, its consistent, strong sense of humor adds coherence to the madness, and episode 3 keeps the jokes coming strong right alongside the explosions.More in n4g.com »
Tags: There, Review, Food, Borderlands, Episode, Tales
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