Destiny's Lack of Matchmaking Persists Leading Into Year 2
Added: 23.08.2015 5:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
Destiny has long been hailed as a social game, one which uses a three player fireteam as its basic squad, and allows for friends to connect and play virtually all of the content together, from menial patrols and impromptu soccer matches in The Tower, to meat grinder raids meant to test skills to the limit. Yet lone wolf players still find it a struggle to access much of the high level content, simply because very little of it can be played alone, and the game purposely limits matchmaking options. Bungie seems firm on this point, and with only a few weeks until the launch of The Taken King, there has been no announcement to the contrary.More in »
Tags: Last, Yeah, Destiny, Bungie, Into
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