Until Dawn Review | GameCloud
Added: 24.08.2015 15:18 | 38 views | 0 comments
William Kirk at GameCloud writes:
"Im going to say it outright, Until Dawn is the best horror adventure since Eternal Darkness: Sanitys Requiem. For the longest time, developers such as Quantic Dream have tried to make this style of game work only to end up getting stuck halfway between a film and a game. With Until Dawn, Supermassive has laid the foundation for how it can be done while producing an enjoyable and highly polished horror experience. Its an adventure game brought to life by a compelling cast of characters and a narrative that expertly plays with genre tropes to upturn expectations. Its certainly not original in all its ideas, but it does deliver one of the most meaningful choice systems to date. What once looked to be a disaster has turned out to be one of this years biggest surprises. Expect great scares and to have a tonne of fun!"More in n4g.com »
Tags: Daly, When, With, Review, Kids, Dream, Quantic, Quantic Dream, Clone
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