Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Review | GameCloud
Added: 30.08.2015 20:18 | 21 views | 0 comments
William Kirk at GameCloud writes:
"Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is yet another testament to Microsoft and their ability to show the rest of the industry how remasters should be handled. In saying that, though, graphics werent ever a problem for this series, so while the updated visuals spruce up the originals muddy appearance, its not going to change anything if you didnt already like the game. Simply put, if youre a big fan of Gears, theres no reason not to pick this up. Its the complete package, it looks fantastic, and youll receive the Xbox 360 collection for free this November. If, on the other hand, youre new to the franchise or didnt enjoy the campaign back in 2006, tread carefully and be sure to bring friends. Its the best way."More in »
Tags: Xbox, Review, Kids, Xbox 360, Ultimate, Gears, Microsoft, Clone
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