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15 Nintendo Properties That Need to be Turned Into Movies Immediately

Added: 01.09.2015 7:17 | 39 views | 0 comments

Daniel Kurland, GIZORAMA - "Nintendo doesnt have the best track record with turning its games into movies. This isnt news. Its why you havent seen any of Nintendos beyond successful properties crowding your multiplexes in a time where anything that hits is milked to its limit. Between utterly insulting cinematic oddities like the misguided Super Mario Bros., the heartless Double Dragon, or the utterly unnecessary Wing Commander, its not hard to imagine pitch meetings being filled with Koopa Kids masquerading as executives in lieu of some of these poor choices. Its also fair to say that Pixels has left a bad taste in everyones mouth for at least a few more yearsTo be fair on Nintendo, the transition from video games to film has been largely unflattering for most examples, not just those out of Nintendo, but as a result of Nintendos bad luck with the medium, they essentially shied away from the idea in general. That is until very recently, when the company issued a...

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Tags: Nintendo, Mario, With, Kids, Super Mario, Double, Into

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