Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Review [Capsule Computers]
Added: 02.09.2015 12:17 | 29 views | 0 comments
Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:
"Thinking back, it is almost hard to believe that the original Gears of War was released nearly a decade ago. The title brought new life to the third-person shooter genre by taking separate elements that werent precisely new and combining them into such a tight enjoyable package that numerous titles have tried to replicate that same level of success only for numerous inadequate and easily forgettable titles to ruin the concept. Now it comes down to Gears of War: Ultimate Edition to bring back the action everyones hoping for with a fresh coat of paint. The question is, has the title managed to age well enough to still be enjoyable in 2015?"More in »
Tags: Review, Ultimate, Gears, Travis
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