Why is Rocket League's jumping so much fun?
Added: 03.09.2015 11:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
KSD writes: Rocket League is unhinged. It is the kind of game you imagine was invented in a dorm room after a couple bong hits too many. Yet following the fun, as Hagewood puts it, is hard work. You dont simply throw a game out into the ether and have it magically turn into something fun.
In that spirit, Rocket League is a game with bonkers physics, which is crucially not the same as saying it has none. I've always been a fan of real-world physics in games; rather than faking things behind the scenes, I prefer to keep the physics simulation as pure as possible, Hagewood told Gamasutra. So we literally just applied a force to the back of the car, since the car is also a physics object, to create this turbo boost. Rocket Leagues physics are not this planets physics, but they are physics nonetheless.More in n4g.com »
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