5 New Games Prove the Commodore 64 is Not Dead
Added: 07.09.2015 2:17 | 12 views | 0 comments
Carl Williams writes, "The Commodore 64 was officially released in 1982, actually turning 33 years old just last month, and still has new games coming out for it. Talk about dependable. Even Commodore themselves kept the computer alive for nearly 12 years before calling in the horses on this one. That is quite a long time for a computer, especially one released before any real standard was decided upon by the marketplace (or boardroom dealings, take your pick). I have been covering the Commodore 64 for a while now as it holds a place close to my heart. I played mostly on my brothers Commodore 64 and loved it- especially typing in games from Computes Gazette magazine. In my previous collection of Commodore 64 games I looked at nearly nothing but action platform titles. This time the list is going to be heavy on adventure titles similar to the Kings Quest, though action platformers are represented."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Evil, Games, Cave, Tale
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