Top 10 Atari 2600 Games
Added: 09.09.2015 2:17 | 65 views | 0 comments
Kieren at GameSpew writes: "The Atari 2600 Video Computer System, or VCS, is one of the greatest consoles of all time. It was the system that truly kicked off the games industry we have today and turned it from a geeky pastime into a global phenomenon. First released in 1977, the last games were released for it in 1991, giving it an amazing 14 year shelf life. Several different models including the iconic Woody and the sleek Junior edition, sales of over 30 million and of course the most famous joystick design of all time mean this system will never be forgotten and will forever remain a favourite with retro gamers everywhere. But what are the best 10 games the system has to offer? Lets find out!"More in »
Tags: Video, First, Spec, GameSpot, Woods, Leaf